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The perfect cultural and musical melting pot. Thanks to the Denver Music Advancement Fund grant through Denver Arts & Venues, KGNU, Barrio E' and Raíces Brewing Company, cultural performances, human emotions and creative expressions blend at the perfect ratios to inject life into our community with a wide range of artistic showcases, giving a glimpse in to the artforms of the world and across the Caribbean and Latin America.

Cultura Viva includes 4 programs: Caribbean Workshops, World Music Workshops, Canta Conmigo and Live Broadcast.


Tune in into an amazing, live cultural broadcast where topics across the board come to life with music, subjects of social interest and great vibes. This broadcast takes place at Raíces Brewing Company, hosting incredible Artists and Bands, providing a community jamming with band members and provoking discussions about their art and connections to the community they represent.

Upcoming FREE live broadcasts TBD

  • Saturday, August 29, 2020

Past broadcasts:

  • Wednesday, November 20, 2019 featuring Pink Hawks

  • Saturday, February 29, 2020 featuring Mono Verde

  • Saturday, June 27, 2020 featuring Los Mocochetes 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.: ​Reservations at


¡Sabor! Let the energy of our drums match the beats of your heart! Our Caribbean Drum Jam brings to life the rhythms of our motherland such as Puerto Rican Bomba, Dominican Palo, Cuban rhythms to name a few. Experience the connection to the sounds of our ancestors and feel the urge to stand up and dance. Our workshops are family friendly.

Upcoming Workshops: TBD

Past Workshops 2-3pm:

  • Saturday, November 16, 2019 - Yuba Rhythm

  • Saturday, November 30, 2019 - Sica Rhythm

  • Saturday, December 14, 2019 -Calinda Rhythm

  • Saturday, January 25, 2019 - Review All Past Rhythms & Callings

  • Sat, February 8, 2020 - Seis Corrido Rhythm

  • Sat, February 22, 2020

  • Sat, March 14, 2020


Connect to the rhythms of the world! Our World Drum Jam workshops encourage everyone to take part of this unique musical experience and learn not only about the instruments played but, to learn about the history of the music and its deep connections to the cultures it was born from. Such rhythms are inspired from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Upcoming Events: TBD

Past Workshops:

  • Wed, February 26th, 2020

  • 6:00-7:00 p.m. featuring

  • Fidel Paulino with Palo Rhythms


Let. Your. Soul. Sing! A fun and interactive way to learn about our beloved, most-popular, Latino songs that have been passed on generation-to-generation and now is your opportunity to embrace the true meaning behind every word and chorus of our Latino songs. Stay tuned for official dates and times. Bring your friends. Bring the fam.

Once a month.

Upcoming Events: TBD

Past Events:

  • Thur, Jan 30th 6:30-7:00 p.m.Guest Artist: Martin Better from Fruta Brutal - Ecuadorian - sang Brazilian Song: Soy Loco por ti, America (Author: Caetano Veloso)

  • Thur, Feb 13th 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.Guest Artist: Roxanna Buelvas - Colombian Singer.

  • Thur, March 12th 6:30 - 7:00 pm Guest Artist: Marialuisa Burgos of Mariachi Sangre Mexicana.

  • Fri, June 19th 6:00 pm Guest Artist: Barrio E' Puerto Rican Bomba

  • Sunday June 21st 3:00 pm Guest Artist: Nico Martinez

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